
RichTextObjectCollectionBase<T> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RichTextObjectCollectionBase<T>.

Public Properties
Public PropertyCountGets the number of items in the collection.  
Public PropertyIsReadOnlyIndicates whether the collection is read-only.  
Public PropertyIsSealedReturns true if this object has been sealed, i.e. immutable. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextObjectBase)
Public PropertyItemGets or sets the item at the specified zero-based index.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddAdds an item to the end of the collection.  
Public MethodClearClears all items form the collection.  
Public MethodClonePerforms a deep clone of the object. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextObjectBase)
Public MethodContainsIndicates whether the specified item is contained in the collection.  
Public MethodCopyToCopies the contents of the collection into the specified array.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorGets an object to enumerate all items in the collection.  
Public MethodIndexOfGets the zero-based index of the specified item in the collection.  
Public MethodInsertInserts the item at the specified zero-based index in the collection.  
Public MethodRemoveRemoves the specified item from the collection.  
Public MethodRemoveAtRemoves the item at the specified zero-based index.  
Public MethodSealMakes the object sealed, i.e. immutable. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextObjectBase)
See Also